Rhapsodies Wiki

Daisy Louise (Dielle) Hardin is the personal assistant to Michelle Fo, and by default the de facto den mother for the Circle Band. She is also the room mate of Diedre Luo.


Daisy Louise Hardin recently moved to Homestead due to a series of machinations of the Department of Minor Nuisances. Due to a mishap in their paperwork the Department owed Clarence Gage a lucky day. During a brainstorming session it was sugested that Gage should meet his true love.

After some research Mr. Zhu locates Daisy Louise and forces her to move by essentially destroying her life. (It could have been worse, her original fate was to die of alcoholism after 20 years in a loveless marriage.) By inflicting a series of wacky hijinks on her the Department gradually steer her to Homestead. On the way she decides to make the most of her fresh start, especially after it is sugested that the abreviation of her embarassing first name (D.L) sounds french and sexy.

Meanwhile a lucrative New Year's party performance gives Michelle the funds to hire an assistant. She his given Dielle's contact information by Mr. Lo, and then promptly hires her on the spot. She also helps Dielle get on her feet in Homested by arranging for her to stay with her friend, Diedre, and drafting Gage into showing her around Homestead.

So far the two have appeared to hit it off, though romance seems to be a long way off.


Dielle is a tall striking African American woman who wears her reddish brown hair in dreadlocks.


1. Found by Mr. Zhu

2 Mr. Zhu introduces us to her as he tells us about her life so far.

3 Hitchhikes in mississippi and meets Mr. Large Hideous Bull Creature

4 Interviewed and hired by Michelle.
